A.G. Parkhomov. Weak Interactions as Essence of LENR

Author: Alexander G. Parkhomov, R & D laboratory KIT, Moscow, Russia, alexparh@mail.ru.

Title: Weak Interactions as Essence of LENR.


Low mass of neutrinos (antineutrinos) makes possible their intensive generation as a result of matter particles collisions during thermal motion. Arising neutrinos (antineutrinos) have energy of about 0.1 eV. With such energy, de Broglie length is about 5 microns. It means that a huge number of atoms are involved in weak nuclear interactions, which makes the effects of nuclear transformations with the participation of neutrinos (antineutrinos) really observable. Consideration of thermal generation of neutrinos as the basis of nuclear transformations in the LENR process allows us to explain a number of features of this phenomenon.

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Reviews and comments:

1. V.I. Vysotsky. Effectiveness analysis of thermostimulation neutrino mechamism of LENR (review on article A.G. Parkhomov ‘Weak Interactions as Essence of LENR’) (Russian).
2. A.G. Parkhomov. Comments on «Effectiveness analysis of thermostimulation neutrino mechamism of LENR» of V.I. Vysotsky (Russian).
3. G.I. Shipov. Review on article A.G. Parkhomov ‘Weak Interactions as Essence of LENR’) (Russian)

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