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Content (in Russian)

Editorial (In Russian)


V.N. Samokhvalov. Non-electromagnetic force interaction in presence of rotating masses in vacuum (in Russian).
V.K. Dedkov. Review on the article of V.N. Samokhvalov “Non-electromagnetic force interaction in presence of rotating masses in vacuum” (in Russian).
Ya.G. Klyushin. Review on the article of V.N. Samokhvalov “Non-electromagnetic force interaction in presence of rotating masses in vacuum” (in Russian).

S.Kernbach, V.Zamsha, Yu.Kravchenko. Long and Super-Long Range device-device and operator-device Interactions (in Russian).
V.D. Zakharov. Review on the article of S.Kernbach, V.Zamsha, Yu.Kravchenko “Long and Super-Long Range device-device and operator-device Interactions” (in Russian).
S.N. Maslobrod. Review on the article of S.Kernbach, V.Zamsha, Yu.Kravchenko “Long and Super-Long Range device-device and operator-device Interactions” (in Russian).

A.V. Bobrov. Interaction of spin fields as fifth fundamental interaction. Part1 (in Russian).
A.G. Malenkov. Review on the article of A.V. Bobrov “Interaction of spin fields as fifth fundamental interaction. Part1” (in Russian).
A.I. Poletaev. Review on the article of A.V. Bobrov “Interaction of spin fields as fifth fundamental interaction. Part1” (in Russian).

S.N. Novikov, A.I. Ermolaeva, S.P. Timoshenkov, E.P. Germanov. Distant delivery of drugs characteristics to water as result of phonon mechanism of surface forces of disperse bodies (in Russian).
A.G. Malenkov. Review on the article of S.N. Novikov et al “Distant delivery of drugs characteristics to water as result of phonon mechanism of surface forces of disperse bodies” (in Russian).
V.F. Sharkov. Review on the article of S.N. Novikov et al “Distant delivery of drugs characteristics…” (in Russian).


A.G. Parkhomov. Cold nuclear transmutation: strange outcomes and attempts of their explanations (in Russian).
V.I. Vysotskiy. Coherent and corelation effects in LENR physics (review and addition to the article of A.G. Parkhomov ”Cold nuclear transmutation…”) (in Russian).
Yu.N. Bazhutov. Review on the article of A.G. Parkhomov ”Cold nuclear transmutation…” (in Russian).

A.Malakhov. Scientific periodicals and unconventional research: review of peer-reviewed periodicals (in Russian).


N.P. Myshkin. Motion of body in flow of radiating power (in Russian).
Extract from Report of 244th (294)th meeting of Physical Subdivision of Russian Physical and Chemical Society (in Russian).
P.N. Lebedev. To the article of prof. N.P. Myshkin “Motion of body in flow of radiating power” (in Russian).


Vlad Zhigalov. About Association of Unconventional Science: Background and Tasks (in Russian).


Requirements for Authors (in Russian)

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