M.A. Andriyasheva. Changes in the properties of water by numerical codes

Author: Marina Andriyasheva

ФГБНУ “ГосНИОРХ” (НИИ озерного и речного рыбного хозяйства), С-Петербург, mariand12@yandex.ru.

Title: Changes in the properties of water by numerical codes.

Full text (Russian): PDF


Experimental research has been carried out to study the energy informational impact on water in order to increase the effectiveness of valuable fish species reproduction. For the first time, it was shown that the purposeful change of water structure (restructuring) made its impact on the functioning of the organisms living in the water. The technology has been suggested to change the properties of water by means of numerical codes, which increases the viability of fish embryos and larvae by 20-30%. The research made by traditional methods to study some physical properties of water restructured by means of numeric codes revealed a significant difference between control (distilled water) and experimental variants (distilled water with codes) on the following indicators- electro conductivity, optical density, GDV bioelectrography, redox (Eh), and Ph.


1. S.N. Maslobrod. Review on the article of M.A. Andriyasheva ”Changes in the properties of water by numerical codes” (In Russian).
2. A.G. Malenkov. Review on the article of M.A. Andriyasheva ”Changes in the properties of water by numerical codes” (In Russian).

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