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Content (in Russian)

Editorial (in Russian)


A.V. Bobrov. Interaction of spin fields as fifth fundamental interaction. Part 2 (in Russian).
G.I. Shipov. Review on article of A.V. Bobrov “Interaction of spin fields as fifth fundamental interaction. Part 2” (in Russian).
S.N. Maslobrod. Review on article of A.V. Bobrov “Interaction of spin fields as fifth fundamental interaction. Part 2” (in Russian).

Yu.L. Ratis. On the existence of long-living exoatom “neutroneum”.
V.G. Volostnikov. Review on article of Yu.L. Ratis “On the existence of long-living exoatom “neutroneum”” (in Russian).
Yu. P. Rybakov. Review on article of Yu.L. Ratis “On the existence of long-living exoatom “neutroneum”” (in Russian).

V.T. Shkatov. Torsiometering: New Line of Research in Torsion Fields Detection. TSM-021 Torsimeter (in Russian).
I.A. Melnik. Review on article of V.T. Shkatov “Torsiometering: New Line of Research in Torsion Fields Detection. TSM-021 Torsimeter” (in Russian).
V.Yu. Tatur. Review on article of V.T. Shkatov “Torsiometering: New Line of Research in Torsion Fields Detection. TSM-021 Torsimeter” (in Russian).


S.Kernbach, V.Zhigalov. Report about “fantom effect” study experiments (in Russian).

S.Kernbach, V.T.Shkatov, V.Zamsha. Report about super-long interactions experiments with digital representation of Mars planet (in Russian).


S.Kernbach. On metrology of systems operating with ‘high-penetrating’ emission.
I.A.Melnik. Review on the article of S.Kernbach “On metrology of systems operating with ‘high-penetrating’ emission” (In Russian).
A.Yu.Smirnov. The screening of new physical affecting factors? (Advanced review on the article of S.Kernbach “On metrology of systems operating with ‘high-penetrating’ emission”) (In Russian).

A. Malakhov. Review on book of Dean Radin «Supernormal: Science, Yoga, and the Evidence for Extraordinary Psychic Abilities, 2013» (in Russian).

A.Malakhov. Review: «Exploring Frontiers of the Mind-Brain Relationship. Springer, 2012» (in Russian).


N.P. Myshkin. Ponderomotor forces of ratiation field (in Russian).
P.N. Lebedev. Once again about observations of prof. N.P. Myshkin (in Russian).


A.A. Maltsev. Issue of Interaction of Different Types of Knowledge (in Russian).


N.G. Zub. Hypothesis of dynamic effects in evacuated media (in Russian).

V.N. Samokhvalov. Impact of vacuum level on the value of non-electromagnetic force interaction of rotating masses (in Russian).

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