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Content (in Russian)

Editorial (In Russian)


V.A. Etkin. About interaction of rotating masses (In Russian).
I.A. Melnik. Review on article of V.A. Etkin ”About interaction of rotating masses” (In Russian).
S.I. Khmelnik. Review on article of V.A. Etkin Dr. V.A. V.A. Etkin ”About interaction of rotating masses” (In Russian).

V.A. Polikarpov. Non-local interaction in context of temporal feedback theory (In Russian).
P.E. Grigoriev. Review on article of V.A. Polikarpov “Non-local interaction in context of temporal feedback theory“ (In Russian).
Yu.A. Lebedev. Review on article of V.A. Polikarpov “Non-local interaction in context of temporal feedback theory“ (In Russian).

Yu.L. Ratis. About physical nature of electromagnetic field quantization (In Russian).
V.M. Dubovik. Review on article of Yu.L. Ratis “About physical nature of electromagnetic field quantization“ (In Russian).
N.V. Samsonenko. Review on article of Yu.L. Ratis “About physical nature of electromagnetic field quantization“ (In Russian).


V.A. Zhigalov, V.V. Brunov. Laboratory research of torsion generators phantoms (In Russian).


S. Kernbach. Unconventional research in USSR and Russia: short overview.

A.V. Saveliev. Issues of patenting inventions in area of reactionless and quasi-reactionless motion (In Russian).


N.P. Myshkin. Ponderomotor forces in the field of radiating source (In Russian).

T.G. Hieronymus. Growing plants without sunlight (In Russian).

E. Cardena. A call for an open, informed study of all aspects of consciousness.


I. Volkov. IGA-1: myths and reality (In Russian).

Yu.P. Kravchenko, A.V. Saveliev. Reply to Igor Volkov’s article “IGA-1: myths and reality” (In Russian).

A.V. Chistolinov. To the G.I. Shipov’s theory of physical vakuum (In Russian).


Dr. Ina Schmied-Knittel, Dr. Michael Schetsche, Andreas Anton. Forschungsprojekt ’Im Schatten des Szientismus. Zum Umgang mit heterodoxen Wissensbestanden, Erfahrungen und Praktiken in der DDR’ – Projektteam bittet um Unterstutzung! (In Russian)

V.A. Etkin. Review on article of Bobrov “Interaction of spin fields“ (parts 1 and 2) (In Russian).

A.V. Bobrov. Response to the review on article “Interaction of spin fields“ (parts 1 and 2) (In Russian).

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